Our walk today was to the Pet store- Healthy Pet's NW. They sell excellent pet foods that are healthy and organic and for us, geared specifically to our little Chihuahuas. Have I told you about our little dogs? We have 3 Chihuahuas, Phoebe, Frodo and Franka. Phoebe and Frodo are bro and sis and Franka is thier older crazier step sister. We love them.
Back to the walk. The weather was cool and a bit windy, but we pressed on. The dogs go through about 1 bag of Royal Canin dog food specifically for Chihuahas in 1 week, so we've done this walk to the pet store every saturday this new year. It's great. I also entered thier grand opening contest and won some dog biscuits. mmmmmm. Our walk took us over Skidmore bridge and up Mississippi/Albina. We took the dogs and strolled past some new businesses opening by the coffee house. Atlas Tattoo, moved from NE Pdx to our hood. Mississippi community Health Clinic. A massage studio where we met Travis and Annie, the new owners. Welcome! It was then up to Alberta and out to the Alberta arts district. This is a nice walk because we're walking through neighborhoods mixed with commerce. Alberta is a hub of activity with stores, restaurants and art galleries. Our favorite kids shop is there - Wild Child PDX, a locale for the non-gap parent. We picked up some amazing items for Anna's cousin's soon to come girl. We went down to the pet store, got our food and then Anna needed some new shoes. pedX is truly a shoe shangrila as they state. They have some great brands and really know what to pick and sell. Anna picked up a pair whilst I hung with the dogs and showed them off.
Our return walk was nice, yet chilly. The wind and sprinkles picked up, so we hurried back. I love my neighborhood.

Another shot of the coffee house: