Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by dieselboi.
wow, i can't believe it $159.73. that's 410 quarters, 504 dimes, 260 nickels and 944 pennies. wow. my shoulder was sore after the walk to fmy. it took awhile to get all the change through the machine and it was dirty - way dirty. my fingers were black at the end and i had to use the bathroom (which was also a little dirty.) i then did some shopping and cashed in my voucher. for full disclosure, we did have around $175, but they charge 8%, so that's about $15.
the walk home was shorter. i got to about portland blvd and decided to take max home. i got into my book on the way and actually missed my stop. hee hee.

veggies tonight looked great. thanks farm.

more photos from the walk:

Walk of change

Walk of change

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