Friday, June 24, 2005

cool re-used building

cool reused building
Originally uploaded by dieselboi.
while walking in the pearl, i came accross this wonderfully re-used building. not sure what it was back in the day, but i do know it was one of the first old buildings in what became the pearl to be re-used for condos/lofts. someone had a vision and did well here.

earlier this evening, we walked with frodo and pheobe down to Salty's Dog Shoppe to get some soft dog food for frodo. even after his visit to the doggy dentist, he is still pretty picky about his eating. we decided to pick up some soft food from paula. while there, we were entertained by Enid, paula's little jack russel. she loves to hang out in her display case during the day.

look at the doggy in the window


enid in case


MikeyPDX said...

I saw that building a couple weeks ago. Nifty.

Anonymous said...

Kinda creepy like a scientific specimen. My JR would bitch and moan i fshe had ti sit in there. Why is everybody else's terriers cooler than mine? Tip of the day: Stay away from rescue Russels.