Sunday, January 29, 2006

blogger photoging bloggers

bloggers photoging bloggers
Originally uploaded by dieselboi.
yup, we got together - 5 of us on the top of a building downtown. lelo, merchmikey, mistress tinymeat, superinkygrrl and mwah. obviously i'm taking this photo. we had a good weekend with mikey and bevs in town. good fun and i got to show off my favorite city - Portland. we ate, we drank, we did some shopping. you know, the same old stuff. we ventured out to multnomah falls in the rain and then up to the rose gardens at twilight saturday. great fun. come back soon.


mindlessgirl said...

thank you guys so much for a GREAT rock...we love you guys...super, large, messy, smooches to you and the beautiful inky and rad poochies and pussies!!!

LeLo said...

Hey! That's my ass!